Location: San Francisco, CA

Saturday, November 12, 2005

Rosicrucian Museum in San Jose, CA

Went to the Rosicrucian Museum in San Jose. Rosicrucianism, among many other things, is concerned with the “inner world” of each person’s and how that relates the world and universe at large. Obviously this is an oversimplification, but the ultimate secrets, purported to be linked with the Egypitan Mystery Schools (hence the Egyptian connection), are only known to initiates who must spend long hours in study.

It’s more than just a museum, which costs $9.00 and includes a sky show (more on that) and tours (more on that). The Rosicrucian Park is amazing too, it was all bigger and more impressive than I though it’d be, real fun to walk through.

How does this relate in any way to the Illuminati? The Rosicrucian have been accused of being a front, or “mask” of the Illuminati. There are many Rosicrucian factions, so this may or may not be true.

For me one of the most interesting displays in the museum was seeing the cuneiform writing for ancient Sumeria, the first civilization (that was suspiciously advanced). The ancient rulers of Sumeria, known as the “Anunnaki” are regarded as the “true creators” of man. But not by means of “blowing on dust” or some alchemical process, but rather by flesh-n-blood processes of genetic engineering.

The skyshow was a bit of a disappointment only from the perspective I thought it was going to reveals some kind of mystical connection to the cosmos, but it was mostly concerned with mythology’s relation to astronomy. Worth seeing, but not as mindblowing as I was hoping for.


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