Another Illuminati Blog

Location: San Francisco, CA

Thursday, December 28, 2006

The Good Shepherd review

First off, The Good Shepherd definitely not a movie for everyone, but that said, it is a damn great film. Not a masterpiece, but close. More significantly, it's a film just about any intellectually curious person should check out. Though it will play even as well if not better on the small screen given the plot intricacies.

Great screenplay with plenty of profound dialogue and a few bits of humor here and there. There are some slow scenes and I wish DeNiro had cut some of those in favor of getting even deeper into how the monied elite of the US were behind the creation of the CIA. I loved the Skull & Bones scenes, it's good to see secret societies being exposed to a certain degree. But again, there could have been more.

For example, one scene where a captured Soviet spy is given LSD as a 'truth serum' and while he's tripping he says, "The Soviet Union is a lie, created by America to justify their military expansion" There should have been scenes actually depicting this, not just a tripping Commie saying it.

I can see now why it's being called "The Godfather of CIA movies" because of the relation of Matt Damon to his son. The film was actually more personal and emotional than I expected it to be. I won't spoil the twists and surprises, but just pay attention to the intercutting scenes set in 1961 because it all comes together later in the film. Also remember the present Matt Damon gives his son as a little boy when he sees him for the first time.

Again, the film shows the relationship between American's monied elite and the intelligence agency which has come to alter our collective lives in the last 60 years, and how power shifted from a fraternity like club known as Skull & Bones to the CIA.

The relation to the Illuminati? Some say the Illuminati use intelligence agencies as fronts for their activities, much as they once used secret societies such as the Freemasons.

Either way, The Good Shepherd is definitely a rare movie in this day and age, one with intellect and ideas. If you can handle the 2 hour 42 minute running time, you will be rewarded.

I just found out there is also going to be a TV mini-series in 2007 called The Company which is about the CIA from the Cold War through the fall of the Berlin Wall.

Sunday, December 24, 2006


There is no Equality anywhere. As it should be. The thing we need to do is be rid of superiority and inferiority. Then we'll have something.