Location: San Francisco, CA

Friday, March 17, 2006

"No coincidences" Review of V For Vendetta

It's easily the most philosophical/political film since Fight Club. BUT... It's not as good as Fight Club. But then, what is? It's more obvious than Fight Club, it doesn't have FC's subtlety and irony.

But it's still a film worth seeing...and worth seeing more than once. Multiple viewings required for all the depths and levels the film/script works on. V (the masked central character) is more than a revolutionary, there's a man behind the mask, who loves music and movies. Even the way he gets the name V is very cool, and shown visually, rather than told to us, which is what good films do. They show, don't tell.

There are 2 big TWISTS in V, one in the middle, one near the end. I won't give them away for those seeing it. The middle twist really surprised me, the second twist was surprising, but you kind of seeing it coming. And regarding that second twist, that was one of my slight complaints with the film, that the revolution isn't given enough time to develop, it kind of comes too quickly.

The relationship between V and Natalie Portman's character Evey is intriguing as she keeps being drawn to V, whether she wants to or not. There's also lesbianism (but portrayed in a feminist context) and a tribute to Benny Hill, if you can believe it.

The concept of that there are no coincidences in life would be the most interesting to those who are fans of metaphysics, conspiracies and authors such as Robert Anton Wilson, and that concept is repeatedly expressed and explored in V.

As you no doubt have read in other reviews, V is Kubrick-esque, although part of that is just because it's set in the UK. But it does have that dark tone with anti-hero trappings. It also reminded me at times of Natural Born Killers & JFK, two more of my favorite films. And my favorite line from the movie was: "Artists lie to reveal the truth, the government lies to cover it up."

Finally, regarding the "controversy" surrounding the film has resulted allegedly because it "supports terrorism." The real threat to conservatives/the government is that the film depicts how the fictional British govt were actually behind the terrorist attacks in order to seize power. Hits a little too close to home for the Machiavellian Bu$h administration, methinks.


Blogger RC said...

I thought your last paragraph was really really interesting...

also...i thought the films, especially comparing it to fight club was interesting...

how many times you think you'll see the flick?

--RC of

3:34 PM  
Blogger Darwin Grimm said...

I might see it again at the theater. I will definitely buy the DVD the day it's released.

10:28 PM  

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